
Minestrone (V)

Homemade vegetable soup

Zuppa del Giorno

Soup of the day

Prosciutto e Melone

Parma ham with melon

Frittura di Bianchetti

Deep fried whitebait

Avocado e Salmone Affumicato

Avocado and smoked salmon salad

Coppa di Gamberetti

Prawn cocktail

Tempura Gamberoni

Deep fried tiger prawns served withsweet chilli sauce

Malazane alla Parmigiana

Aubergine, tomato, oregano and parmesan

Avocado al Forno con Salmone

Avocado, mushrooms with smoked salmon gratinated

Funghi alla Milanese (V)

Mushrooms in breadcrumbs

Insalata Caprese

Toamato and mozzarella salad

Crespelle alla Fiorentina (V)

Home made pancake with ricotta cheese and spinach with a touch of nutmeg

Spaghetti Napoli (V)

Spaghetti in tomato sauce

Main Course

Filetti di Branzino

Grilled fillet of sea bass on a bed of spinach

Eglefino all Fiorentina

Haddock on a bed of spinach witj cream sauce gratinated

Salmone Dona Theresa

Fresh scotch slamon in a cream and proseco sauce

Sole Goujon

Fillet of sole in breadcrumbs

Lamb shank

Pollo alla Diavola

Chicken breast in wine, garlic and chilli sauce

Tacchino alla Dona Theresa

Turkey escalopes in breadcrumbs

Vitello alla Milanese

Veal escalopes in breadcrumbs

Fegato alla Veneziano

Strips of calf's liver cooked in wine and onion sauce

Fegatto alla Salvia

Calf's liver cooked in butter and sage

Penne Arrabiata (V)

Penne with tomato chilli sauce

Penne Fantasia (V)

Pasta tubes with green beans, peas, onions, courgettes, olives & chilli

Lasagne Vegetariana (V)

Pasta layers baked with mixed vegetables, cheese and bechemal sauce

Lasagne di Carne di Manzo

Pasta layers backed with minced meat, cheese and bechemal sauce